Runs for Cookies: Saturday Night Photos

When I sat down to write my post yesterday, I realized I only had a few photos on my phone, so I didn’t end up taking my usual Friday night photos. Today I grabbed the camera to take a photo of one of the squirrels and I remembered that I had taken some photos with the camera last week… so here goes. Photos from Saturday night.

Below is one of those pictures of me that Jerry takes when I don’t know. Yesterday he told me that The Bachelor had a new season called The Golden Bachelor. Probably 15 years ago, my sister said they should make a “senior singles” – retired or older people looking for love. I thought it was a cute idea! I’ve only watched about three seasons of The Bachelor/The Bachelorette, and I can’t remember the last one I watched (probably 15 years ago!), but when Jerry said there was The Golden Bachelor on Hulu, I insisted that he watch it RIGHT NOW. I don’t know why he was so excited about it.

Not even three minutes into the first episode, I was completely choked up and knew it was going to be a disaster. Jerry finds it funny that he’s so sensitive (it’s not unusual for him to cry at the simplest tug on my heart), so I pulled up my hood and told him not to look at me. Hahaha, then he took this photo.

I think The Golden Bachelor will be very refreshing! The Golden Bachelor is 71 years old, widowed, has two daughters and is in excellent physical shape. Considering that the women chosen to participate in the show are at least 60 years old, I think the whole dynamic of the show will change a bit. They have a lot of life experience and know what they want. I can’t imagine it getting as catty as the usual Bachelor seasons. But who knows? I’m not going to watch another episode until the entire show has aired; Streaming has spoiled me because I can’t wait a week between shows when I’m really interested.

Even though I have a million photos of Duck sleeping on my head/neck/shoulder, I still take selfies when he does it. This one made me laugh because of the expression on his face. I think Chick was on the cat bed above us and he caught Duck’s attention.

When two of the cats want to sit on my lap, they play nice with each other so I don’t kick them out. I couldn’t believe how big Duck looks next to Estelle! (Estelle arrived first, and then Duck VERY slowly snuck up behind her to avoid waking her.)

When I was making seitan recently, I asked for white beans. I decided to save the liquid (called aquafaba) and try a recipe I saw in a cookbook. It sounded VERY strange to me, but apparently you can whip aquafaba like you would egg whites, until you get a texture similar to a meringue or whipped cream. To make it, simply add aquafaba, sugar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of cream of tartar to a mixer and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. I was very skeptical, but it really worked! This image lasted approximately 10 minutes. I have no idea what to do with it, but it was a fun experiment.

I rarely make bread, but today I was in the kitchen for several hours cooking all kinds of things. Lately I really like cooking! And since I was making chili in the crock pot, I decided to make some crusty bread to go with it. Look how good it looks… it’s by far the best looking bread I’ve ever made.

And this was the chili. Jerry said it sounded good to eat chili during the soccer game this afternoon. He put four different types of beans in it and it was delicious.

This is one of my favorite squirrels. He’s super friendly, not shy at all, and I actually have to be careful not to open the door too much or I’m afraid he’ll walk right into the house. Today, he continued to stare dramatically through the screen door until he caught my attention. Then she would give him a nut and he would quickly bury it and then repeat this over and over again. He probably got 10 of them today.

I desperately wanted to take a photo of Chick and Joey without Joey noticing. I didn’t have my phone with me in the kitchen, and I knew that if I walked past them into the living room to get my phone, Joey would jump up. So I grabbed the camera out the back door and hid in the pantry to take pictures. As soon as the shutter on the first image clicked, Joey looked up; I knew he was watching him. And he stared at me while I took several more pictures, haha.

Chick LOVES Joey, and luckily, Joey tolerates Chick sleeping on him, cuddling him, and even playing at biting his neck.

I think I already posted this, but I thought it looked cool. He was returning from my morning run around the block and Jerry had just gotten home. He was standing in the driveway taking pictures. The red light is from my headlight. She had already released Joey from his leash so he could run to Jerry.

Jerry and Noah went to a wrestling event a couple nights ago. I’m not sure what the look on Noah’s face is about, but you can see that he recently got snakebite piercings. I wasn’t crazy about the idea, but I can keep my mouth shut and be glad it’s not a tattoo 😉

Eli and his girlfriend, Ava, went to homecoming last weekend. I can’t believe it’s already his last year! His first year was during lockdown, and that doesn’t seem like that long ago.

I took a couple quick photos before he left to pick up Ava, and I love this one. She rarely cracks a big smile like this, which is unfortunate, because she is a very handsome boy. He is so old!

I also posted this photo before, but I think it’s funny. The cats are so fascinated when I stretch or foam roll on the living room floor. The moment I sit down, they are upon me. Duck always manages to stick his butt in my face.

And that’s all I have. Have a nice Sunday! xo

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