What Are the Best Foods for Preventing Colon Cancer? 

A low-fiber diet is a key factor in microbiome depletion, the disappearance of diversity in our good gut flora.

We have a hundred billion microorganisms residing in our gut, give or take a few billion, but the “spread of the Western lifestyle has been accompanied due to microbial changes”, which can be contributing to our chronic disease epidemics. The problem is that we eat sweet meat-based diets, “characterized by a high consumption of animal products and sugars, the use of preservatives and a low consumption of foods of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.” .”

Contrary to the fermentation of carbohydrates that reach our colon, where fiber and resistant starch benefit us through the generation of magical short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, when excess protein is consumed,”microbial protein Fermentation generates potentially toxic and pro-carcinogenic metabolites involved in CRC, colorectal cancer. So what we eat can cause an imbalance in our gut microbiome and potentially create “to ‘recipe‘for colorectal cancer’, where a diet high in fat, meat and processed foods tips the balance towards dysbiosis and colorectal cancer, as you can see below and at 1:04 of my video. The best foods for colon cancer prevention. On the other hand, a diet rich in fiber and starch and low in meat can pull You return to symbiosis with your friendly flora and move away from cancer.

“Evidence from recent dietary intervention studies suggests that adopting a high-fiber, minimally processed, plant-based diet can quickly counter “The effects of meat-based diets on the gut microbiome.” So what could be “a new form of personalized medicine (gut microbiome) for chronic diseases”? Is called foodthat can “rapidly and reproducibly” alter The human gut microbiome. As shown in the graph below and at 1:52 on my videoif you change people between a whole food and plant based diet to a more animal based diet, dramatic changes can be seen within two days, resulting into toxic metabolites.

And, after switching to an animal-based diet, levels of deoxycholic acid, a secondary bile acid known to promote DNA damage and liver cancer, increase. Why are levels rising? Because the bad bacteria that produce it triple in just two days, as you can see in the following graph and at minute 2:10 of my video.

Over time, the richness of microbial diversity in our gut has gone disappearing. Down and at 2:22 on me videocan see a graph of our bacterial tree of life and how it is depleting. Why is this happening? He is due to “The Fiber Gap”. “A low-fiber diet is a key factor in microbiome depletion.” Sure, there are factors like antibiotics, C-sections, and indoor plumbing that have contributed to the decline in gut microbiome diversity, but “the only factor that has been empirically shown to be important is a diet low in microbiota-accessible carbohydrates.” (MAC). “Not Big Macs. That’s just a fancy name for the fiber found in whole plant foods and the resistant starch found primarily in beans, peas, lentils, and whole grains.

Our intake of dietary fiber and whole plant foods “is negligibly low in the Western world” compared to what we evolved to eat over millions of years. “A diet so low in fiber provides insufficient nutrients for gut microbes,” leading not only to a loss of bacterial diversity and richness, but also to a reduction in the production of the beneficial fermentation end products they make from fiber. . Indeed, we are “hungry our microbial self.”

What are we to do about the “harmful consequences” of a diet deficient in whole plant foods? Create Novel “functional foods,” of course, and supplements and medications: prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics. Think about how much money you can make! Or we can just eat the way our bodies are meant to eat, but what kind of value is that? that gonna gain its shareholders? DonDidn’t you know that probiotic pills could be “the next big moneymaker” for big pharma?

Why eat healthy when you can ask someone else to eat healthy for you and then receive a fecal transplant from a vegan? The researchers compared the microbiomes of vegans versus omnivores and found The vegan-friendly flora was producing more good stuff, showing that a plant-based diet can result in more beneficial metabolites in the bloodstream and less bad stuff like TMAO. But while the impact of a vegan diet on bacteria production was great, “its effect on composition of the intestinal microbiome [was] “surprisingly modest.” The researchers found only “slight differences between the gut microbiota of omnivores and vegans.” Actually? “The very modest difference between the gut microbiota of omnivores relative to vegans juxtaposed with the significantly higher dietary consumption of fermentable plant foods” came as a surprise to the researchers. Vegans ate almost twice as much fiber. Can anyone guess the problem here? Vegans barely managed minimum Daily fiber intake. Because? Because Oreo cookies are vegan. Cocoa Pebbles are vegan. French fries, Coca-Cola, potato chips. There are vegan Doritos and Pop-Tarts. You can eat a awful vegetarian diet.

Burkitt showed that we need to consume at least 50 grams of fiber a day to prevent colon cancer, aAnd that’s only half of what our bodies were. designed Arrive. We have evolved consuming about 100 grams a day, which is the amount we see in modern populations immune to epidemic colorectal cancer. So instead of feeding people a vegan diet, what would happen if you just fed them that What type of diet focuses on whole plant foods? For an answer to that, watch my video. The best diet for colon cancer prevention.

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