Does Chewing Gum Burn Calories?

What are the effects of chewing gum on hunger and appetite?

“Horace Fletcher” proclaimed In one of his 1919 obituaries, he “taught the world to chew.” Also known as the “Big Chewer,” Fletcher was a health reformer who popularized the idea of ​​chewing each bite more than 32 times: “one for each tooth.” However, it was not put to the test until almost a century later. In that study, participants were told eat pasta until they felt “comfortably full” and were randomly assigned to chew each bite 10 or 35 times before swallowing it. Subjects were told that the study was about the effects of chewing on mood, but that was just a ruse. The researchers really wanted to know if prolonged chewing reduced food intake. And it turned out that those who chewed more felt full sooner than those who chewed less, so they ended up eating about a third of a cup less pasta overall.

If chewing suppresses appetite in some way, what about chewing gum as a weight loss strategy? As I analyze it in my video. How many calories do you burn chewing gum?an article titled “Benefits of chewing gum” He suggested both saying that “it may be a useful behavior modification tool in appetite control and weight management,” but it was co-written by the CEO of the Wrigley Science Institute and a senior manager at the Wm Wrigley Jr Company. Why don’t we see what impartial says science?

Big Gum likes to point out a letter published in 1999 in The New England Journal of Medicine. In it, Mayo Clinic researchers reclaimed that chewing gum could burn 11 calories per hour. Critics pointed to the fact that they didn’t actually try “typical” gum chewing; Instead, they tried chewing the equivalent of four sticks of gum “at a very fast cadence.” Specifically, participants were asked to chew at an exact frequency of 100 Hertz (Hz) “with the help of a metronome” for 12 minutes. That seemed to burn 2.2 calories, so potentially 11 calories per hour.

More confidence might have been had in the Mayo scientists’ conclusion if they had not lacked a fundamental understanding of basic units. As definite by Merriam WebsterHertz is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second, so 100 Hz would mean 100 chews per second. second. (That would do be a very fast cadence!) However, if it’s true that you can burn 11 calories per hour, that means you could burn more calories by actively chewing gum while sitting in a chair than if you weren’t chewing gum while standing upright at a desk. standing.

In fact, as you can see in the graph below and at 2:24 of my videochewing a small piece of gum at your own pace can only burn about three calories per hour, which would be close to the calorie content of sugar-free gum itself. However, chewing the calories in a piece of sweetened with sugar The gum can take all day. What about the supposed appetite-suppressing effect of all that chewing?

The results of studies on the effects of chewing gum on hunger are everywhere. For example, as you can see in the graph below and at minute 2:50 in my videoone presented decreased appetite, other presented no effect, and even another presented significantly increase Hunger in women after chewing gum. However, the most important question is whether there is any change in subsequent caloric intake. Once again, the findings are contradictory.

A study, as you can see in the graph below and at minute 3:12 of my videoeven found that while chewing gum did not greatly affect M&M consumption, it did seem to decrease consumption of healthy appetizers. Interesting, but the researchers used mint gum and the healthy snacks included tangerine slices. So, it may have simply been the effect of the orange juice after brushing your teeth.

Can carry one hour before the residual effect of the mint toothpaste flavor dissipates. This is bad if it reduces fruit consumption, but how about harnessing this power against Pringles? An international group of researchers. had People eat Pringles chips for 12 minutes, breaking every 3 minutes to rinse with menthol mouthwash. As you can see in the graph below and at 3:50 in my videocompared to those in the control groups (whistling with water or nothing at all), the mint mouthwash group reduced their consumption by 29 percent. The researchers concluded: “If a consumer finds himself eating too many French fries [potato chips] During a given eating occasion, a potential strategy could be to intervene by drinking mint tea, menthol-flavored gum, or brushing your teeth, to slow down or stop snacking.”

However, what we are wondering about is weight loss. Even if a small change, like chewing gum, can affect your consumption of a single snack, your body may be able to compensate by eating more throughout the day. The only way to know for sure if gum can be used as a weight loss trick is to put it to the test, which I cover in my video. Does chewing gum help you lose weight??

For more information on calories and weight loss, check out the related videos below.

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