Do the Oxalates in Spinach Cause Kidney Stones? 

Although dietary oxalates may have a limited effect on kidney stone risk in most people, there are some predisposing factors that can put anyone at risk.

kidney stones affect up to one in ten people in their lifetime and can cause excruciating pain. (It makes me cross my legs just thinking about them). Oxalate stones are the most common type and form when the concentration of oxalate in the urine increases so much that it basically crystallizes out of solution like rock candy. Some foods, such as spinach, have They contain a lot of oxalates, as you can see below and in the table shown at minute 0:29 of my video Oxalates in spinach and kidney stones: should we worry?. Should we try to reduce our oxalate intake to reduce our risk? It turns out that the people who do get People with stones do not appear to consume more oxalates on average than people without stones. It may be less what you eat and more what you absorb. People who are predisposed to kidney stones simply appear born with greater intestinal absorption of oxalate. His guts really take it. “People who have hyperoxaluria—sThe so-called ‘super absorbents’—can absorb 50% more oxalate than those that do not form stones.”

In general, the impact of typical dietary oxalate on the amounts of oxalates that end up in the urine”appears be small.” In fact, andeven a ““massive dose of dietary oxalates normally only”results in a relatively slight increase” in the amount reaching the urine, as may see in the graph below and at 1:21 in my video. A 25-fold increase in oxalate consumption No even double the concentration of oxalates flowing through the kidneys, so “it is actually certain more frequently due to genetic than environmental factors”, such as diet. Still, until you have your first kidney stone, how can you tell if it’s a superabsorbent or not? Is it safer to generally avoid high-oxalate fruits and vegetables? People that eat further Fruits and vegetables can actually tend to shrink. less kidney stones.

When the researchers put it to the test and remote people’s diet, their risk of kidney stones decreased above. Eliminating fruits and vegetables may cause your dietary oxalate intake to decrease, but your body produces its own oxalate internally as a waste product that can be more difficult to get rid of without the alkalizing effects of fruits and vegetables on urine pH. this can help explain Why those who eat plant products have fewer kidney stones, but it may also be due to them. court your intake of animal protein, which can have an acidic effect on the kidneys. we have acquaintance this for 40 years. jjust a a can of tuna a day increase your risk of forming kidney stones by 250 percent, while only court back consuming animal protein can help reduce that risk in half.

Surely there is some level of oxalate intake that could put people at risk anyway. There have been some rare cases. reported of people who drink green juices and smoothies developed oxalate kidney stones, although most had extenuating circumstances. In one case, however, a One woman’s kidneys stopped working after a ten-day juice cleanse, which included two cups of spinach a day. Normally, we wouldn’t expect a cup or two of spinach to cause such a violent reaction, but she had two aggravating factors: she had undergone gastric bypass surgery, which can increase oxalate absorption, and a history of long-term antibiotic use. . There is actually a friendly bacteria called oxalobacter what we want in our colon because eat oxalate at breakfast, which leaves us even less to absorb, but it can disappear with long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Even with those two aggravating factors, I probably wouldn’t have had any problems if I had. used something other than spinach (or beet greens or chard) when preparing smoothies for cleansing. As you can see in the graph below and at 3:53 of my videoCompared to that trifecta of high-oxalate vegetables, kale has hundreds of times less oxalates than the three. She would have had to have juice over 650 cups of kale each day for a comparable dose: over 6,000 cups of kale over the ten days of your cleanse.

Are the three high-oxalate vegetables only a problem for people with extenuating circumstances or who are otherwise at high risk? What happens if you cook vegetables? And how much is too much? I answer all those questions in my video. Kidney stones and spinach, chard and beet greens: don’t eat too much.

It takes a while to make videos, so when I discover something like this in research, I immediately go to our social media channels to alert people, like I did with this cautionary note about high oxalate vegetables. In order not to miss any important information like this in the future, please follow us on Facebook, instagrameither Twitterand subscribe to our free monthly newsletter.

To learn more about kidney stones, watch my videos. Flashback Friday: How to Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones with Diet.

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