
There are many myths about what it is like to live with bipolar disorder. People constantly make assumptions about this based on media ...

Hearing loss advocacy comes to TEDx! Congratulations to HLAA advisor and hearing circuit advocate Juliëtte Sterkens, Au.D. Her TEDxOshkosh talk, ...

Don't ask me how I am. Just don't do it. Asking me how I am will only result in one of two things: a dishonest answer or honest tears. I don't ...

I hate platitudes in general, but I especially hate platitudes when applied to mental illness. It's very condescending when people offer you ...

One of my favorite things to do is talk about hearing loss! I guess that comes with the territory as a defender. Are you thinking about using hearing ...

Cheat on deviled eggs with deviled eggs. Presenting the equivalent of finding out that Grandma secretly fronts a Texan band. Think classic hors d'oeuvres ...

I am very excited to announce that I am publishing my second book. For those of you who don't know, I published a book in 2016, Lost Marbles: ...

Cheat on cupcakes with cupcakes. Achieve victory with carrot cupcakes with cheat code. Almond flour, grated carrots, and protein-packed Quest frosting ...

"Don't get pickled!" the clinic leader advised with a smile. It was my first time playing pickleball, the hot new sport taking over the nation. ...

I have lost many years of life to bipolar disorder. No, I don't mean that you have a reduced life expectancy due to bipolar disorder (although ...

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