Spread the Word, not C. Diff

From the desk of Beth Battaglino, RN, CEO of HealthyWomen

C. difference The infection is commonly acquired and can be fatal. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones is with knowledge. Well, actually, the best way is to wash your hands properly with soap and warm water (alcohol-based hand sanitizers won’t work!), but knowledge is the first step to fighting back. C. difference infection.

when we say C. differencewe are talking about Clostridioides difficilea bacteria that can cause colitis, an inflammation of the colon, which triggers symptoms such as severe stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea that last more than three days. However, this is not your typical stomach virus: it can be life-threatening and sometimes lead to hospitalization and even death.

As a nurse, I know very well the seriousness C. difference infections can be. There’s almost Half a million cases and as many as 30,000 deaths reported each yearputting up C. difference in the category of infections considered urgent threats to public health by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, once you’ve gotten one C. difference infection, your chances of getting another one increase each time you get it, creating a recurring infection C. difference infection cycle.

I know, ladies, we already have a lot to do in our lives and we really don’t need one more thing to manage. But women are an important factor in stopping the spread of C. differencenot only because we are more susceptible to contracting it, but because we are also often the ones making health care decisions and enforcing the law in our families.

Therefore, it is worth spending a few minutes of your time to learn about C. difference and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from recurring infections.

Read: What is it? C. difference? What you need to know about this deadly infection >>

And remember, if you have symptoms like severe abdominal pain or cramps, a new fever, three or more watery bowel movements a day, or blood in your stool, don’t ignore them and contact your healthcare provider.

In good health,
Beth Battaglino

This educational resource was created with support from Ferring Pharmaceuticals USA.

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